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A new information and educational website for staff in the tourism industry

The tourism competence center has developed a new tool for managers and staff in the tourism industry. This is the information and education website which aims to make it easier for frontline staff to provide tourists with good and useful information. The website is especially useful for those who have not previously worked in tourism.

On the website you can find various information about the destination Iceland, including about the Icelandic people, geography, number of tourists, tourist destinations and safety issues. By studying the information on, staff can acquire basic knowledge about Iceland and Icelandic tourism that will benefit them in their work.

The idea for the website came from the Tourism Office and the Hæfniseter of tourism was assigned to implement the project. In addition to the Norwegian Tourism Agency, the Regional Destination and Marketing Offices, Safetravel and ASÍ contributed to the project. The website was also presented to management and tourism staff who gave feedback on the content. Landsmennt, the Labor Force and the Trade and Office Workers' Training Fund sponsored the project.

The first version of the website is now available in English, but the website is to be translated into Icelandic.

Providing good information to tourists is extremely important, because reliable and useful information promotes a positive and safe experience for tourists, which in turn increases their satisfaction.

We encourage managers and staff in the tourism industry to familiarize themselves

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