Harassment and violence

It is important to prevent and respond quickly to harassment and violence in the workplace. Explore support materials for management and staff.

1. Definitions and manifestations

2. Roles and responsibilities of managers: Prevention

3. Roles and responsibilities of management: Feedback

4. What can staff do?

View all

Bullying, harassment and violence are risk factors that can significantly affect the well-being of employees. It is therefore important to focus on prevention and to have an efficient response to complaints and suggestions about EKKO (bullying - sexual harassment - gender-based harassment - violence).


Bullying is repeated behavior that is generally intended to cause distress to the victim, such as belittling, insulting, hurting or threatening the person or causing them fear. Differences of opinion or differences due to different interests are not covered here.

Examples of manifestations:

  • Repeated irrational criticism
  • Humiliation
  • Slander or rumours
  • Conscious exclusion
  • Silence
  • Information deliberately withheld from parties
  • Vandalism
  • Tasks unexpectedly taken from an employee
  • A sudden, unpleasant job transfer
  • Micromanagement
  • Lack of tolerance towards the uniqueness of individuals

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment refers to any kind of sexual behavior that is against the victim and has the purpose or effect of offending the dignity of the person concerned, especially when the behavior leads to threatening, hostile, humiliating, humiliating or offensive situations. The behavior can be verbal, symbolic and/or physical.

Examples of manifestations:

  • Rude jokes
  • Sexual comments
  • Squinting or staring
  • Inappropriate touching or photography
  • Inappropriate comments about sexual matters and appearance
  • Unwelcome request for sexual contact
  • Unwelcome communication on social media

Gender-based harassment

Gender-based harassment is behavior that is related to the gender of the person subjected to it, is disrespectful to the person and has the purpose or effect of offending the person's dignity and creating situations that are threatening, hostile, humiliating, humiliating or offensive to the person.

Examples of manifestations:

  • Inappropriate speech or behavior related to people's gender and sexuality
  • Humiliation for example because of age, religion or nationality


Any conduct that results, or may result, in physical or psychological harm or suffering to the victim. Also the threat of such, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.

Examples of manifestations:

  • Physical violence: attacks, fights, kicking, biting, etc.
  • Mental violence: threats, harassment, abuse of power, organized humiliation, etc.

Source: The Administration for Occupational Safety and Health

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