Rights and obligations of employees

Here you can find all the main information about the rules that apply in the Icelandic labor market.

Rights and duties

SA Labor Market Website
The Confederation of Icelandic Employers' labor market website contains information and educational material on everything related to wage agreements, labor issues and other matters related to the labor market. Part of the website is only accessible to SA member companies.

Inquiries can be directed to the Confederation of Icelandic Employers by phone or e-mail

sa@sa.is / 591-0000

ASÍ's labor law website

The ASÍ website contains all the main information for employees, employers and the general public about the rules that apply in the Icelandic labor market. The website contains detailed information on employment contracts, relations between the social partners and wage calculations to name a few.

For more advice or information, contact your union.

If you do not know which union you belong to, contact the Icelandic Confederation of Labor

asi@asi.is / 535-5600

Contact us