About us

The Tourism Skill Center's aim is to promote competence and quality in the Icelandic tourism industry. All our tools and services are free of charge for companies and employees.

What do we do?

  • The competence center develops educational and support materials for managers and staff in the tourism industry in collaboration with economic partners
  • We provide advice and assistance to companies within the tourism industry in establishing education and training
  • We work on the development of a study line for tourism in cooperation with the business world, education providers, secondary schools and universities
  • We work according to a service contract with the Ministry of Culture and Trade, Service agreement MVF and FA 2024

The values ​​of the Tourism Skill Center are: Professionalism - Cooperation - Solutions

The Role

  • To work in the interest of the tourism industry to strengthen the skills and professionalism of managers and staff and thus promote increased quality, a positive image and profitability of the industry. 
  • Identify educational needs, develop solutions, form relationships and increase collaboration on education and training.  
  • To promote effective education in accordance with the needs of the industry and make the benefits of it visible. 


  • Skills development in tourism reflects the needs and the development of the industry and society.
  • Tourism is a desirable field of work where opportunities for career development are offered. 
  • The tourism industry has excellent qualified staff.

Staff members

Bryndís Skarphéðinsdóttir


Haukur Harðarson

Project manager

Hildur Betty Kristjánsdóttir

Managing Director

Nichole Leigh Mosty


Ólína Laxdal


Sólveig Nikulásdóttir


Steering Committee

The steering committee of Hæfnisetur tourism includes representatives nominated by SAF, ASÍ, the Norwegian Tourism Agency, as well as the Ministry of Culture and Trade and the Ministry of Education and Children's Affairs. 

Photo: The steering group of the Tourism Skill Center at a meeting with the Minister of Tourism, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, in January 2023.


Jóhannes Þór Skúlason SAF - The Icelandic Travel Industry Association


Aleksandra Leonardsdóttir ASÍ

Elías Bj. Gíslason Icelandic Tourist Board

Sunna Þórðardóttir Ministry of Trade and Industry

Þóra Þórðardóttir Ministry of Education and Children's Affairs

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