Different rules apply to foreign nationals depending on whether they come from a member state within or outside the EEA/EFTA eða even fall under the definitions of exemptions from work permitsi. It is important that employers know the process of hiring foreign staff so that they can inform and guide the staff them and ensured the normal progression of the recruitment process. In this way, we ensure a good reception of foreign nationals on the Icelandic labor market.
In order to give employers an overview of what needs to be done and facilitate access to information, Hæfnisetur tourisminn, in collaboration with the Multicultural Department within VMST, SAF, ASÍ and tourism companies, has put together guidelines for both parties to follow.
The content is available in a number of languages (see tungupaint button at the bottom right of the page) and employers are encouraged to refer their foreign staff to it for information and preparation. Entrepreneurs should be held and trusted by staff through all the application process and get to know their responsibilities in it.
Happy employees create a good reputation - here, there, and everywhere
The contents of the instructions are downloaded from/referred to the following sites: Alþingis, Arion banka, ASÍ, Fjæmáleftiltir Sæðlbanki Íslands, Multicultural department within VMST, Iðunn educational center, Stafræns Íslands, Íslandsbanki, Landsbankans, Sjúkratrygging Íslands, Skattsins, Skírteini.is, Council of Iceland, vinnummarkadsvefs SA, labor law website ASÍ, the Labor Office, the Immigration Office and the National Register of Iceland.