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The tourism education morning was well attended

Menntamorgunn ferðaþjónustunnar var einstaklega vel sóttur í streymi enda erindin mjög áhugaverð. Þar fengu áhorfendur innsýn í þarfir Z kynslóðar á vinnustað, góð ráð fyrir...

Recruitment and the Z generation

The Finnish Center for Tourism, the Swedish Tourism Association and the Regional Marketing Offices invite you to the Tourism Education Morning on April 10, 2024 at 9-9:45. The meeting will be live streamed. The meeting will focus on...

Cooperation on Education mornings in tourism

Menntamorgnar ferðaþjónustunnar hafa hingað til verið samvinnuverkefni Hæfniseturs ferðaþjónustunnar og Samtaka ferðaþjónustunnar (SAF). Nú hafa Hæfnisetrið og SAF sameinað krafta sína með Markaðsstofum landshlutanna og...

The Icelandic teaching app Bara tala implements the tourism vocabulary list

A conversation began between the managing director of Bara tala and Hæfnisetur tourism after the company received the recognition as the Educational Champion of the Year. The Icelandic teaching app Just Speak is based on artificial intelligence and language technology...

"Icelandic with an accent is a symbol of courage"

The education day of the working world took place last week under the title Walk in step - is the education system keeping up with the needs of the working world? ELKO received the Norwegian Education Award. The year...


Nichole recruited to the Talent Center

Nichole Leigh Mosty takes up a part-time job at Höfnisetir tourism. Nichole was born in the USA but has lived and worked in Iceland for over 20 years....

The blue lagoon receives recognition

Tourism can take sustainability a step further

The Blue Lagoon receives an incentive award on the day of responsible tourism January 17th was the day of responsible tourism with a focus on sustainability. First Lady Eliza Reid presented the motivational award of the year...

Tourism, from strategy to action

Tourism is one of the largest industries in Iceland. The number of tourists went from almost 500 thousand in 2010 to over 2,3 million in 2018 when the most...

Education morning: Action plan for tourism

The Education Center for Tourism and SAF announce the Education Morning for Tourism on Monday, November 20 at 09:00 – 10:00. At the meeting, the main focuses of the tourism policy action plan will be presented...

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