Educational material

Here you can find a wide range of tools for managers and staff to improve competence and quality. is an information and educational website for frontline staff in tourism
The situational cases are intended for training and education in the workplace. The situational cases are from Gerum betur, designed by Sigrún Jóhannesdóttir and Margrét Reynisdóttir, and the European development project Enterprised. The situational cases from Enterprised have been adapted to fit Icelandic context.
This is a dictionary of common words and phrases used in the tourism industry that can facilitate communication in the workplace.
When new members of staff receive targeted training, they are more likely to adapt to their role enabling them to provide guests with excellent service. Information and instructional material for on-site training and support used when facilitating onboarding of new staff, can be found here.
The templates on the digital workspace of are designed to make it easier for managers of tourism companies to prepare different documents, policies, checklists and manuals. The digital workspace is accessible to everyone free of charge.

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