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Here you can find information about our upcoming events and access recordings of older events.

Tourism events calendar

On the website of the Tourism Office, you can access a calendar for professional events within the tourism industry.

Öryggi í fyrsta sæti: Hvernig á að stuðla að öryggismenningu?

Menntamorgunn í streymi 14. maí kl. 09:00-9:45

Dagskrá verður birt síðar.

Viðburðinum verður streymt á Facebook. 

Recordings of older events

Action plan in tourism: Do you want to influence competence and quality?

Tourism education morning, November 20, 2023

Communication and well-being in the workplace: Preventive measures against violence and harassment

Education morning of tourism, 3 October 2023

New studies in tourism: Interaction between business life and education systems

Education morning of tourism, 9 May 2023

Professionalism and quality in tourism in Reykjanes

Hjómahöllin, Reykjanesbær, 17 April 2023

Increased staff skills - a treasure in tourism in the West

Hjálmaklettur, Borgarnes, March 8, 2023

Do you want to succeed in social media marketing?

Tourism education morning, 1 December 2022

Good to know: Disclosure, security and liability

Education morning of tourism, 12 October 2022

Good service: What does it take?

Education morning of tourism, 25 May 2022

Foreign staff in tourism: Recruitment process and multiculturalism

The education morning of tourism, March 1, 2022

Innovation in tourism

Tourism education morning, November 18, 2021

Resilience and well-being in the workplace: Motivation, experiences and good advice

Education morning of tourism, 21 October 2021

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