Need a user-friendly employee handbook?

Travel service companies must ensure that the service is always of the highest quality. One way to achieve this goal is to have a comprehensive employee handbook that provides clear guidance and support for all staff.

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The tourism center offers templates for employee manuals that are accessible to all tourism companies, in both Icelandic and English.

Increased efficiency

By taking advantage of templates, the company saves time and can focus on its core business

Professional procedures

The manual contains best practices, rules and laws and is prepared by experts in collaboration with the industry

Better training

With a well-organized manual, it is easier to train new staff and ensure that they quickly adapt to the job

Safety and well-being

The manual provides important information on safety measures and emergency response, which contributes to the safety of staff and guests


By using an employee handbook template, tourism businesses can ensure that they are well prepared to provide excellent service and maintain professionalism in all aspects of their operations.

Get to know the digital workspace of

The templates on the digital workspace of are designed to make it easier for managers of tourism companies to prepare different documents, policies, checklists and manuals. The templates are easily adaptable to the specific needs and circumstances of each company. The digital workspace is accessible to everyone free of charge.
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