Useful on hæ
On the website of the Tourism Competence Center, you will find educational material, videos, courses and good advice for the tourism industry. When receiving new staff, the following materials are used:
- Reception of new staff - 5 practical tips for managers
- The education portal - a selection of courses offered by various educators. Companies can apply for grants for education and training from the vocational training funds of the business sector, see
- The glossary - a glossary of common words used in tourism and can facilitate communication in the workplace. You can practice anywhere and anytime.
- Rights and obligations of employees - all the main information on the rules that apply Icelandic labor market
Before an employee arrives in the country
Does the company have an environmental policy, a human resources policy, an equality plan, a safety policy, an employee handbook or other material that is useful to the employee? Introduce the employee to all available information about the company and prepare colleagues for his arrival. See more Reception of new staff - 5 practical tips for managers.
Refer the employee to "Foreign staff - recruitment process " and prepare together, who does what.
If the employee is a citizen outside the EEA / EFTA, the employer can submit applications for work and residence permits together with supporting documents to the Directorate of Immigration before the employee arrives in Iceland.
If the employee is a citizen of the EEA / EFTA, he can apply for an ID number before entering the country. However, the application is not confirmed until all documents have been received and the applicant has arrived at the place of registration.
Prohibition of discrimination
With Act on Equal Treatment in the Labor Market clearly prohibits all discrimination against persons in the labor market, whether direct or indirect, inter alia on the basis of race or ethnic origin.
Individuals, companies, institutions or associations that believe that the provisions of the Act have been violated may, in their own name or on behalf of their members, apply, as appropriate. the Equality Complaints Committee.
A clear distinction must be made between unpaid work in economic activities on the one hand and unpaid community work (voluntary work) on the other.
Volunteer according to immigration law is an individual over the age of 18 who intends to work unpaid for non-profit organizations that work for charity or humanitarian causes, are not run for profit and are exempt from tax. It is permissible to deviate from the condition that work is done for a recognized non-governmental organization if the goal of a specific project is truly for humanitarian and charitable purposes.
See more about unpaid work / "volunteer work" at ASÍ's labor law website og statement of SA and ASÍ due to volunteers from 2016.
With temporary staffing er had we service company PULL according to contract rents beat employees his engineer fee for that sense jobs á workplace user company sink project management its the latter. Employee rents PULL not hafa confirm á European the economic zone or in EFTA state er not allowed that provide here service judgment confirm does not have contracts PULL Island á membership that home such a thing. Employee rents og foreigners service companies ber that file sig with electronic stopped , Labor Office along with because that provide information um staff his PULL works here á landy.
Here á fidelity Labor Office er that finn file over temporary staffing PULL hafa authority for that work á Iceland.
I think company provide staffing services here á landy total lenge is en ten virka daga á to whom twelve months supports Labor Office given information um employees PULL will work here á landy, information um place of residence og length of stay, name og social security number of the user company etc.
More information at the website of the Directorate of Labor and on ASÍ's labor law website.
Advertisements at EURES
How advertise eg starf , EURES, European employment agency?
EURES is collaboration platform milli reign inna EEA/EFTA of the area. Ef employer doesn't advertise , EURES í them purpose that leita applications from job seekers from countries within EES/EFTA is about same process that discuss og already commercialt er in general starf á fidelity Labor Office. More detailed information um how employer advertises the job , The Labor Office can be found here.
That PULL hafa will be í sister ef employer doesn't advertise the job , EURES employment agency er that haka need we that especially á my pages. When employer has finished we that file starf á my pages then has eures consultant , Labor Office contact og fer in more detail over registration with employer, goes from shadow um that all information lying down for before en advertisement er inn á fidelity.
EURES jobs are always advertised with Icelandic and English text, and EURES advisers can assist employers with translation into English. EURES jobs are advertised on the Vinnumáltonfonn's website and on an internal portal EURES: there PULL them er especially notices PULL eures jobs from Iceland.
The Multicultural Department of the Norwegian Labor and Employment Agency - advice and information
The Multicultural Department of the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Organization (MCC) provides advice and information in connection with the issues of immigrants and refugees in Iceland.
MCC's goal is to enable every individual to become an active member of Icelandic society, no matter what their background is and where they come from.
The MCC website contains useful information on many aspects of daily life, rights, administration and services in Iceland and transport to and from Iceland.
You can request more information and assistance by contacting us at email addresses or by phone (+354) 450-3090.